Highly-experienced Air Force Fighter Pilot, Instructor Pilot, and Airline Pilot with extensive background in non-traditional, rapid acquisition, developmental and operational flight test, and Congressional engagement strategy.
USAF Academy Class of 2001
T-37 & T-6 Instructor Pilot, Laughlin AFB
F-15C Flight Commander, 4-ship Lead, Eglin AFB
F-15C Instructor Pilot, Tyndall AFB
T-38C Evaluator, Columbus AFB
Presidential Advance Agent, Pentagon
F-16 4-ship Lead, NJ ANG
American Airlines MD-80 First Officer (Mil LOA)
Congressional Legislative Liaison, Capitol Hill
F-16 4-ship Lead, DC ANG
Combat Requirements AO (F-15C; F-22), NGB/A5
Mobility Branch Chief & Combat Requirements, NBG/A5
F-15C Test Director, ANG/AFRC Test Center, Eglin AFB
American Airlines A-320 First Officer
Decades of operational experience as a line pilot, instructor pilot, and evaluator in fighters (both air to air and air to ground), trainers (basic and advanced), as well as current operational experience in the airline transport industry
Educated & informed Members of Congress regarding US Air Force, Air National Guard, and National Defense Matters. Acquired deep knowledge of Congressional Appropriations and Authorizations; developed personal working relationships with Congressional Members & staff during CODEL/STAFFDEL trips and Capitol Hill engagements
Extensive knowledge of “white world” & classified development, procurement, & sustainment programs within the JCIDS system and non-traditional acquisition methodologies using multiple funding streams including POM, NGREA, O&M, etc.
Frequent engagement and collaboration with system program offices, major & minor defense industry partners, federal agencies & related stakeholders to initiate, manage, and complete development, procurement, integration, fielding, and sustainment of weapon systems
Procured, coordinated test, and fielded Collins-Elbit Vision Systems Digital Eyepiece™ (DEP) using excess annual ANG O&M funding and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Tailored Logistical Support Program (TLSP) for the ANG F-15C and F-16 Block 40/50 fleets.
Initiated & led technology development, maturation, production, lab & flight test, fielding, training, and support of aircraft subsystems/modifications as F-15C Combined Test Facility Test Director
AFWERX/DIU accelerated development, production, test, fielding methodologies; utilized Small Business Innovation & Research (SBIR) process to rapidly develop advanced helmet-mounted cueing options for F-15EX; flew both protypes in light civil aircraft before proceeding to fighter aircraft flight demonstration
Leading proponent for transition to advanced, lightweight, neutral CG helmets utilizing internal vision systems (as opposed to add-on devices like monocles, NVGs, etc) to drastically improve combat capability, flight safety, and digital upgradeability.
Initiated & led DIU procurement and flight test of SPYDR biometric sensor system and pilot hypoxia warning device embedded in standard flight helmet. Test to fielded in ANG F-15C squadrons in less than 1 year
Established requirements baseline for and integral to the development, production, refinement, and flight test of single up-front radio controller for F-15C
Developed solution to address Link-16 cutoff for legacy ANG fighter fleet as a result of cryptological upgrade mandate by utilizing modified COTS datalink terminals already built for B-2 and US Navy platforms